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We will be posting short stories, and videos which deals with life time motivations.



Leadership and Power.

Blessmore Mandevhana

In his essay "Leadership & power", John Gardener defines power as " the capacity to ensure the outcomes one wishes and to prevent those one does not wish."

The ability to bring about through others the consequences that we intend is power. In our complex modern world the sources of that power are widely varied.

Today we generally equate position with power. A delightful story illustrates positional power. A new factory owner went to lunch at a nearby restaurant which featured a "blue plate special" that allowed for no substitutions. When he asked for a second pat of better , the waitress refused. Irritated, he called for the manager, but she also refused him. "Do you know who l am?" He asked indignantly. "I am the new owner of the factory across the street." The woman smiled and said, "Do you know who l am , sweetie? I am the person who decides whether you get a second pat of butter!"

In addition to an position, there many other sources of power. Money can by access to an influential politician. Muscles can give us the strength to knock others down. "Power goes out of the barrel of gun."

Knowing how to work the system and understanding how to tap into people's beliefs are also sources of power. ...

NB information and knowledge are power. Visibility is power. A sense of timing is power. Trust and integrity are power. Personal energy is power, so self-confidence. Showmanship is power. Likability is power. Access to the inner sanctum is power. Obstruction and delay are power. Winning is power. Sometimes , the illusion of power is power?



Not only does your business work matter right now, but it also affects eternity because it affects the lives of people who will live forever. If you do your best to participate in God's redemptive work in the world through your business efforts, some of your work will last into eternity for example ”Colgate is one of the best products in the world, Colgate was loyal to God through his business and he died many years ago but we still talk of his products.” So where there's brokenness, work to bring healing, where there's oppression, work to bring liberation, and where there's disenfranchisement, work to bring empowerment.


When you plan ahead and make your list, stick to it. Simba Nyamadzawo helped me that l have to stick to the planned program of the day, if its lunch do not allow anyone to disturb you. If you have an hour blocked away to finish an important business proposal, then a half-hour to answer emails, make sure you don’t answer any emails before finishing your allowed time for the proposal . Ralph Kadurira once said “do not to talk to anyone for no reason or reply some unnecessary messages for their waste your time or do not just give people your phone number for no reason”. There will be many times that a project goes over the block of time—say 10 minutes over the hour you allowed. This is fine, but try to stick to the base plan as closely as possible.

Don’t alter from the task at hand. The goal is to smoothly flow from one task to another throughout the day without disruption, which leads us to my next point.


There are increasing numbers of writers, gurus and now even a few business leaders who advocate greater love, compassion and spirituality in corporations.

There are also various interpretations of these ideas about love and ethics, about compassion and spirituality. This is fine. It's normal for any significant concept to have several interpretations, and these reflect the different ways of applying the concept in different situations.

Some interpretations have a compassionate or spiritual foundation; others are quite rightly incorporated within wider issues of corporate social responsibility and ethical business. Other ideas approach the concept from the environmental angle, or sustainability, or 'fair trade'.

The challenge for modern managers and leaders to develop an interpretation of love and spirituality that will work for your own organizational situation.

Here are some ideas about love in business and management, from different perspectives. They are two different interpretations. Hopefully they will help you see ways that love and compassion and spirituality, which are tricky to measure and describe in tangible specific terms, can be applied in a practical sense in work and organizations.

The first article is by Barbara Heyn, a Cincinnati-based consultant, who helps organizations develop relationships and capabilities among people and teams, particularly in response to challenges of globalization and cultural diversity.

The second is a piece by Sonia Stojanovic, a McKinsey consultant, which features in Solaria Green's book, 'The New Visionaries: Evolutionary Leadership for an Evolving World'.

Blessmore Mandevhana is a holder of a bachelors degree of business management and informatin technology from Catholic University of Zimbabwe. Again he is a  motivational speaker in areas of business, leadership and biblical issues. He is the presenter of a show called Secrets of entrepreneurs and the presenter of a Quiz group called God is the answer.

He is the founder and the President of Untouchable Generation which is a charity organization and the member of the Mind blower Children’s Fund.  He is the founder of Blessmore’s writings which is mainly to inspire people. He is the founder and director of Beyond Today which is an online magazine.

For the past years he has spoken on various platforms ranging from youth groups such as Ministry of Education, Churches and Colleges (Catholic University, Bindura University and Harare Poly)
He has been the guest on different platforms radio stations and TV program.

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Embrace your night owl

Beyond Today Inspired || Success || Motivation By Blessmore Mandevhana *Embrace your night owl We've all heard the saying, the early bird catches the worm and for many entrepreneurs this is true-blue but not for everyone. There are major benefits to being a night owl too. 1. *Tranquility in the small hours* When you're not bombarded with questions, emails and texts of everyone else's waking hours, you can concentrate uninterrupted for hours on end and when you're at your mental peak too, bonus. 2. *Night owls are more likely to be entrepreneurs* According to the Catholic University Class 2013-2017, night owls have a higher propensity to take risk, something entrepreneurs need to be able to stomach. 3. *They're more creative* Catholic University students has shown a spike in creativity among night owls, stating they're more likely to come up with out-the-box solution than early birds. 4. *They're smarter and richer* Students found out that night owls tested higher in general intelligence and earned higher income than early birds. 5. *You can adapt, if you have to* Unlike early birds, night owls are able to adapt to regular nine to five and stay up late, while early birds will struggle to stay awake after their usual bedtime. 6 *They're working Machines* A Catholic University of Zimbabwe study through the class of 2017 *Enterprise development* found that night owls remain mentally alert for much longer periods after waking than their early bird counterparts.

Embrace your night owl

*Beyond Today Publishers* *Inspired || Success || Motivation* *Embrace your night owl* We've all heard the saying, the early bird catches the worm and for many entrepreneurs this is true-blue but not for everyone. There are major benefits to being a night owl too. 1. *Tranquility in the small hours* When you're not bombarded with questions, emails and texts of everyone else's waking hours, you can concentrate uninterrupted for hours on end and when you're at your mental peak too, bonus. 2. *Night owls are more likely to be entrepreneurs* According to the Catholic University Class 2013-2017, night owls have a higher propensity to take risk, something entrepreneurs need to be able to stomach. 3. *They're more creative* Catholic University students has shown a spike in creativity among night owls, stating they're more likely to come up with out-the-box solution than early birds. 4. *They're smarter and richer* Students found out that night owls tested higher in general intelligence and earned higher income than early birds. 5. *You can adapt, if you have to* Unlike early birds, night owls are able to adapt to regular nine to five and stay up late, while early birds will struggle to stay awake after their usual bedtime. 6 *They're working Machines* A Catholic University of Zimbabwe study through the class of 2017 *Enterprise development* found that night owls remain mentally alert for much longer periods after waking than their early bird counterparts. *Publish your work with Beyond today* *+263713488018 or +263773592919* *Beyond Today the home of quality*

  • Date: 09/29/2018 14:38

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