I've listened to many people complain about the lives they live today. They say it's bad and want it to be good but take no action.
What I'm telling you today is for you to either use or ignore because the power to decide lies within you. Your habits determine your destiny and it's something I say everyday.
Never expect to live a different life if you have the same bad habits everyday. To everything in life there are principles and every principle has a consequent result. Saving is principle and with it you will never live a dry life. Honesty is a principle and with it you get connected to great people who will take you to your next level in life.
We have the will to decide what we want today and what we decide today can not be erased from our lives forever. This means that everytime we make a decision, it has to be a correct and careful one . It has to be a decision that will make you proud and elevate you to the next level in life.
I cannot tell you how to run your life but what I certainly can do is to tell you that NOW YOU CAN DECIDE, make the best decisions.
Some people expect life to be a fairytale but life is reality. They sit down doing nothing and expect things to go well but that’s stupidity in its highest form. What I understand is that for you to achieve something, you have to work for it. You will never reap when you have not sowed. Life operates with simple principles and for you to live a successful life, you have to apply the principles in life.
For every principle applied in life there is an outcome. This is what life is, this is how life works. I have heard many people complain about circumstances in the economy yet they are not doing anything positive to contribute to the betterment of the economy. Its time us as people stop complaining and rise up to take action so that we can live the lives we want.
Every idea in this world counts. Never fool yourself into thinking that your idea is less valuable than that of the person next door. Your idea is best and special in its own way. What vision do you have? What idea are you keeping in that mind? Come on, rise up and make it a reality. The reason why people end up being demotivated with life is because the fairytale they expect life to be would not have played well.
Life is not a fairytale, life is what you make it. If you don’t work then don’t expect to be elevated to the next level in life. This is one of the simplest principles in life. It’s time we move out of that era of just believing without taking action. If you are sick and you don’t go to the hospital, you will continue being ill and will end up dead. This is what life is like, if you don’t apply its principles when needed, you will continue suffering and will die suffering.
There is need for a paradigm shift, we need to change the way we see life. Let us train our minds that life is not a fairytale but reality and in reality we have to make it work. As I always say, there is no limit to the great things we can achieve when we put ourselves to it. We are without doubt the perfectos of our lives. Change starts with us and it starts in our mind. Through the way we think, we are able to make a difference and be who we want to be.
Why you are poor.
Being poor is a choice. No one was born to be poor but we choose to be poor. We have been given the capacity to create wealth but because we are ignorant, we fail to utilize that capacity. Making wealth is only a matter of utilizing our capacity and opportunities. Everyone has an opportunity to make wealth in life but we fail to use those opportunities to unlock our wealth. Stop blaming the economic conditions and people, they are not the problem. You are the problem and if you don't choose to move and utilize your capacity to make wealth then you will remain poor. You have a vision but you sit at it without taking any action towards its achievement then you blame the world for your poverty, my friend something is wrong with you. You have been given the capacity so use that capacity and change your status from poor to wealthy. No one is behind your poverty, you are the engineer behind your poverty. Change your mindset and live a wealthy life. Life is what you make it not what people make for you. Think big and utilize your capacity. Remember greatness awaits us all, its only a matter of choice.